You’re an awesome man! How many times a day do you think about sex? Once, but it lasts 24 hours. Your masculine sexuality has a non-stop schedule. It’s normal that it does… except that it’s the one thing you are not confident about.

Will I succeed? You ask yourself obsessively, thinking unreasonably that you will disappoint your lover if your virile member is not top-notch in the bedroom each and every time.

On top of it, this obsession is basically all in your head. In reality, when she knows that you love her she will barely notice your hiccups in the erotic matter. *Next time*, she will tell you with a smile, and that’s what she actually means. Unfortunately at that point you have already started the SEXUAL TRAGEDY program, and you are certain that she is sugarcoating her disappointment.

What exactly is causing men to fear women?

There are about two main causes: Firstly, the fear that you will not be able to satisfy her the way you think she desires. And then you are also afraid that your everyday freedom will be lost in the dark times that will come if you start a serious relationship with her. Something in your subconscious is imperatively warning you: Run as fast as you can!… Do you still want your personal dreams and desires? Run before it’s too late!

*If you would have loved me, you would have said no when I asked you to marry me. * It’s the thought that has crossed the mind of many married men of this planet.

What’s there to blame for this?

The unanimous decree of sexologists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and even neurologists is: the relationship with your mother.

For you, as well as for most men, the first object of love and desires was your mother, she who gave you birth, and together with whom for 9 months you have formed a single being. That’s why all of your amorous relationships will inevitably wear the mark of your mother. all of these in direct proportion with the degree of harmony or disharmony of the relationship you have with your biological mother.

This is what all psychoanalysts have been supporting ever since Freud, who has even coined it with a name: the Oedipus complex.

What is the explanation?

Neuro-biology has shown that the same neurotransmitters are responsible for both attachments to parents, as well as to the one you love. In other words, everything that triggers in you, erotic desires and emotional feelings that are not free of attachment, involuntarily reactivates your maternal relational scheme. And, it’s not just your biological mothers’ influence. The energy of all the mothers that have ever existed throughout time is leaving a mark on your experiences. It’s in fact the relationship that each and everyone of us has with the maternal aspect of the Supreme Feminine Energy, Maha Shakti (as Tantra denominates her), or The Mother Archetype (as Jung defined her) — The one that gives us life, but can also devour us nonetheless.

What can you do?

First of all you need to thoroughly examine the relationship with your biological mother. Try to fix any possibly remaining issues that are connected to her. Secondly, you need to harmoniously integrate in your life the way you interact with the archetypal feminine energy — that which gives life, nourishes, and is caring, but can just as well castrate, isolate and even annihilate. Try as you may, you cannot escape its influence. This is why the boy inside you tends to resurface and step in your man shoes every time when the erotic challenge seems too difficult for you. Such as when, unconsciously, you have projected upon your beloved the image of the devouring Universal Mother, whose amorous desires are as endless as herself. * How could a tiny lingam of just a few inches satisfy a virtually infinite insatiability? Who could ever properly satisfy the Great Mother? *

(Peek here to find out mode about The power of lingam)

Keenly aware of these aspects, that are as delicate as they are important, the tantric system offers numerous solutions, readily applicable. Adoring one of the Great Cosmic Powers (Mahavidya, which are facets of the Supreme Feminine), in the first stage like a son, and later like a lover, can be of immense benefit.

The perspective you have of the woman you love will be greatly enriched with new spiritual insights. In the beginning you will use less and less the foggy glasses of your mental projections. That means you will finally begin to truly see your lover, instead of the unconscious mechanism of the maternal relational scheme. She has nothing to do with the predetermined patterns you unconsciously associate her with. In reality there are no women that are, in their essence, castrating. The danger of being castrated doesn’t come from them, but from yourself. From the image that you have successfully projected on her, that of the terrifying mother archetype with her insatiable desire, possibly also sprinkled with any remaining issues from the relationship with the biological mother. So, instead of accusing your lover for the worst in the world, you should first take a careful glean upon yourself.

YES, you are perfectly correct that women are anything but neutral. Her behavior can easily create perfect opportunities for you to project upon her the phantasmagorical boo of the castrating mother. It’s just her way of testing you so you can prove her that you are the real man that she’s been waiting for.

… still … however tragic the situation may seem, the ball is in your court. The decision to play her game is totally up to you.

Fortunately, an archetype exists…

…that can help you clear yourself from the hypnosis towards these aspects of the mother goddess, and their associated agglutinating effects. In fact, next to the little boy that is scared of the might of the mother there is also the man, the chivalrous hero within yourself. He wields the power, and he knows how to face the dragon, i.e. the agglutinating forces of the mother, for he is the one who faces his fears.

The relationship with the real woman, not with one from phantasms, is offering you two ways of approach. Either choose passivity, and be the boy frightened of the mother’s archetype, tail between his legs, forcefully denying his virility, or, become the adorer of the one you love. By constant transfiguration you will awaken in her the sacred power. The Universe, together with all of its wonders will lay at your godly feet. You will know then that you have succeeded! You have discovered the secret to being a real man because you have uncovered your masculine force in your relationship.


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