*The way you love is the way you are*.

It’s an old saying that could be translated into tantric terms something like: *Abiding to the inescapable law of occult resonance, sooner or later we shall increasingly transform into the likeness of the beings that we love.*

As far as you, as well as I, and everyone else is concerned, you are, were, and will be inclined to borrow from all of your loved ones, past present and future, both their qualities as well as their shortcomings.

But isn’t there a better way? Meaning to benefit only the wheat of your beloved, and not have to also swallow the chaff that sometimes comes with the package?

Affirmative answer. Transfiguration is your out-of-jail ticket. It helps you to avoid chaotically becoming what you love. It makes the separation between shortcomings and qualities. And it keeps you from getting stuck with something you don’t exactly want.

Why’s that? Imagine you are invited to a dinner that offers no less than 37 different dishes. Some have exceptional taste, some are let’s say edible, and with a little push you could eat those too. But there are some that you just want to stay away from. Just looking at them makes you feel your tummy’s revolt.

Which are your choices? Either you eat from each and every one of them, assimilating savory and unsavory alike, or you make a fine selection of the best tasting ones. The latter variant is analogous to a love filled of transfiguration that allows us to receive in our inner world, selectively, only the qualities of our beloved. What the beloved has that is good, beautiful, and elevating.

Related to this complex and mysterious phenomenon of transfiguration there is one more thing that needs to be considered. It has nothing to do with deluding yourself. Transfiguration always starts with real, objective aspects. No matter how much you would like your lover to manifest certain qualities, you don’t just assert them from your imagination. You need to carefully discover and then amplify only her innate qualities, even if she might not even know she has them.

This is how you both enrich yourselves: you and her together. Her, because she reflects in your gaze and she feels perfect. You, because you see her the same way as when you fall in love with her: the sublime goddess that makes you dance through the stars.

Transfiguration has its roots in the heart. It’s the organ that allows you to prospect the wonderful qualities of the one you love. To spontaneously ascertain within her being all that you’ve ever wished or dreamed to share with someone you love.

The transfiguration of your beloved opens the gates of paradises to you. It helps you take that step between the finite realm, and the infinite.


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