TopSecrets of the Couple Happiness

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. All this is common knowledge by now. But when men and women want to meet somewhere somehow, they choose the Earth. It so happens that the road they take from loneliness to the much-coveted couple sometimes spans galaxies. But when spirituality is the vehicle, men and women take this distance faster, and stand yet another chance to discover the secret of long lasting love.
The number of relations that each year dies away on the couples’ battleground has reached a record high. One of three marriages ends up in court, were we only to mention the perfectly legal marriages…yet if we have another look at the unofficial relations…figures are simply skyrocketing.

No, this is not a virus. Nor is this a fatality, of the “Pharaohs’ curse” type. It’s just that flocks of relations start their journey head-on, with no strong reason for hope and with mooney-ballooney assumptions. And what’s the use of considering communication, when we don’t really know whom we’re communicating with, about what we communicate, and where we want to get at?

Build Up the Harmony Between Yourselves
According to oriental tradition, the couple is the privileged encounter of two free spirits. Man and woman do not lose themselves in mutual contemplation, but walk side by side, focusing on the same purpose. For those seeking a complete fulfillment in life, the love relationship is anything else BUT an endpoint of a free-of-charge place to rest. It is a regal pathway to self-accomplishment.
But what does in fact happen when, although they feel a very intense, magnet-like attraction towards one another, the two lovers experience serious tension, conflicts and exasperation? Psychologists and psychotherapists have come up with all sorts of explanations about the communication crisis that blows couples apart. Yoga has its own answers and even if its is a multi-centennial science, it lives on the cutting edge of present-day therapies.

Couple Happiness
Why? Because it comes with a deep understanding of human relations, as well as with solutions that make the secrets of the long lasting couples tick.  The harmony between the two lovers is the sign of the harmony between their own subtle centers, known as the chakras.  Couples that experience a great love and a great mutual fascination have more than one chakra in resonance, are on the same wavelength on several levels of their own being. And do you know what’s interesting? The inner floor you discover you meet the one you love more often in fact speaks about the level of your relationship.

Do you want to spot out that level? Read the article Seven Inner Steps for the Perfect relationship. Her you can discover seven blueprint couple portraits. Seven levels you and your lover can take part in the show of life, seven levels of understanding and communication. Is your relationship mirrored in any of these descriptions?

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